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Type : Revue
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Equipes de recherche : Nancy - University Hospital of Nancy, Department of Pharmacy
Auteurs : Serrurier C, Chenot ED, Vigneron J, May I, Demor? B.
Titre : Assessment of injectable drug’s administration in two intensive care units and determination of potential physico-chemical incompatibilities.
Référence : EJHP Science ; 12,5: 96-99. 2006

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Liste des molécules
InjectableAcetylsalicylic acid lysinate Antalgique
Incompatible 8.33 mg/ml + InjectablePantoprazole sodium 8 mg/ml
InjectableAmiodarone hydrochloride Antiarythmique
Incompatible 12.5 mg/ml + InjectableAmoxicillin sodium / clavulanic acid 10 mg/ml
InjectableAmoxicillin sodium / clavulanic acid Antibiotique
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + InjectableAmiodarone hydrochloride 12.5 mg/ml
InjectableBumetanide Diurétique
Incompatible 0.5 mg/ml + InjectableOfloxacin 5 mg/ml
InjectableCyamemazin Neuroleptique
Incompatible 0.2 mg/ml + InjectablePantoprazole sodium 8 mg/ml
InjectableMidazolam hydrochloride Anxiolytique
Incompatible 0.1 mg/ml + InjectablePantoprazole sodium 8 mg/ml
InjectableOfloxacin Antibiotique
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + InjectableBumetanide 0.5 mg/ml
InjectablePantoprazole sodium Inhibiteur de la pompe à proton
Incompatible 8 mg/ml + InjectableAcetylsalicylic acid lysinate 8.33 mg/ml
Incompatible 8 mg/ml + InjectableCyamemazin 0.2 mg/ml
Incompatible 8 mg/ml + InjectableMidazolam hydrochloride 0.1 mg/ml
Incompatible 8 mg/ml + InjectableVancomycin hydrochloride 40 mg/ml
InjectableRifampicin Antibiotique
Incompatible 6 mg/ml + InjectableTramadol hydrochloride 8.33 mg/ml
InjectableTramadol hydrochloride Antalgique
Incompatible 8.33 mg/ml + InjectableRifampicin 6 mg/ml
InjectableVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotique
Incompatible 40 mg/ml + InjectablePantoprazole sodium 8 mg/ml

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